1 x Booting (76.29%) | 204.03ms |
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select * from `car_brand` where `car_brand`.`id` = '45' and `car_brand`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select count(*) as aggregate from (select `cars`.* from `cars` left join `car_brand` on `car_brand`.`id` = `cars`.`brand_id` where `cars`.`brand_id` = '45' and `cars`.`condition_id` = 2 and `cars`.`deleted_at` is null group by `cars`.`id`) as `aggregate_table`
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select count(*) as aggregate from (select `cars`.* from `cars` left join `car_brand` on `car_brand`.`id` = `cars`.`brand_id` where `cars`.`brand_id` = '45' and `cars`.`condition_id` = 1 and `cars`.`deleted_at` is null group by `cars`.`id`) as `aggregate_table`
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `cars`.* from `cars` left join `car_brand` on `car_brand`.`id` = `cars`.`brand_id` where `cars`.`brand_id` = '45' and `cars`.`condition_id` = 1 and `cars`.`deleted_at` is null group by `cars`.`id` order by `id` desc limit 9 offset 153
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `car_brand` where `car_brand`.`id` in (45) and `car_brand`.`deleted_at` is null
Metadata | |
Backtrace |
select * from `car_models` where `car_models`.`id` in (493, 497, 498, 499, 506, 509, 614) and `car_models`.`deleted_at` is null
Metadata | |
Backtrace |
select * from `car_transmissions` where `car_transmissions`.`id` in (1, 2) and `car_transmissions`.`deleted_at` is null
Metadata | |
Backtrace |
select * from `car_conditions` where `car_conditions`.`id` in (1) and `car_conditions`.`deleted_at` is null
Metadata | |
Backtrace |
select count(*) as aggregate from (select `cars`.* from `cars` left join `car_brand` on `car_brand`.`id` = `cars`.`brand_id` where `cars`.`brand_id` = '45' and `cars`.`condition_id` = 3 and `cars`.`deleted_at` is null group by `cars`.`id`) as `aggregate_table`
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select count(*) as aggregate from (select `cars`.* from `cars` left join `car_brand` on `car_brand`.`id` = `cars`.`brand_id` where `cars`.`brand_id` = '45' and `cars`.`condition_id` = 4 and `cars`.`deleted_at` is null group by `cars`.`id`) as `aggregate_table`
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
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